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School campaign gathers momentum

by Paul Saunders on 10 June, 2015

Local residents are getting behind Nichola Martin and the Lib Dems’ fight for a new primary school here
in Romsey.

NM & CS school docNichola, who is going door-to-door with a petition, has called on the City and County Councils to look into the option of building a new school on the Mill Road depot site, along with affordable housing. The site is owned by the Labour-run City Council, meaning any agreed development could be built quicker than at other sites.

Nichola said “We desperately need to tackle the school places shortage and increase quality of life for local residents. A new school on the Mill Road depot site will cut congestion in Romsey and combat long school runs for parents”, adding that
“A new school would benefit the whole community, not just parents. Reducing congestion is a universal victory.”

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