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Nichola vows to fight unfair cuts

by Paul Saunders on 12 June, 2015

Nichola will always fight for what’s best for Romsey residents, and work to protect vital public services, such as the library.

Nichola will always fight for what’s
best for Romsey residents, and
work to protect vital public
services, such as the library.

FOLLOWING the County Council’s decision to sell off the third floor of Cambridge Central Library to private firm Kora, and turn it into an enterprise centre, Nichola has vowed to fight to protect vital public services.

Despite fierce opposition from the Lib Dems, Conservative and UKIP councillors in rural Cambridgeshire waived through the controversial sell off, despite no Cambridge councillors supporting the plans.

Nichola said; “It is appalling that rural councillors who do not represent this city get to decide over our public services.
“If elected to represent Romsey, rest assured I will always fight to get the best deal for us.
“I will make it a priority to challenge unfair cuts and privatisation of cherished services, such as the library.”

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