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New Abbey to Addy bus service

by Tom Yates on 12 April, 2016

A new bus service will start to operate on May 3rd from Abbey to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

From Newmarket Park and Ride, it will go along Newmarket Road, Barnwell Road, Brooks Road, Perne Road, up Cherry Hinton Road, then down Hills Road to Addenbrooke’s Hospital,

The journey the other way will be along the same route leaving from Bay D at Addenbrooke’s.

During the main part of the day it will be a bus every hour, Monday to Saturday but none in the evening. It will be number 115 and the full timetable is on the Whippet website.

This bus is paid for from Developer Contributions (Section 106) and is on a trial basis. If lots of people find it useful and use it, it will continue: if not, it probably won’t!

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