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Romsey Matters – 2016

The Romsey LibDem team have been busy recently asking local residents their opinions on the issues that matter to them. This is what you have told us so far …

1. Street conditions

  • On the whole, most people thought the area was reasonably clean. There were some specific issues highlighted, such as overhanging branches and hedges, and bins being left out, but mostly people are happy with the tidiness of the roads in the north of Romsey.

2. Cambridge Lakes

  • 95% agreed with the (currently stalled) plans to open up the Cambridge Lakes to the public so we will continue campaigning on this.

3. Highways

  • Many people raised the condition of the road and pavement surfaces as needing improvement.
  • 52% disagreed with the proposals for residents parking.
  • 50% said the proposed road closure plans would cause them problems. These plans are now being reconsidered but we will be keeping Romsey priorities at the forefront and letting you know what the council is proposing and how it might impact our neighbourhood.

4. Education

Where people were trying to get their choice of school in the area, 23% had experienced problems. This shows that we need to keep the pressure up to improve school placements.

5. Local government

  • 58% disagreed with the current plans for a Cambridgeshire Mayor

This issue is currently being voted on by the respective Tory and Labour Councils. Former MP Julian Huppert has said “We need more money for transport and housing, I welcome the money but we do not need to spend millions of pounds on an extra layer of government”

6. Council Tax

  • 33% said they would be happy to pay more council tax
  • A further 55% expressing tentative support for an increase, dependant on seeing more details of the proposal

The County Council especially is critically short of money; the issue of council finances and council tax is one that unfortunately is not going to go away soon.

7. Transport

  • There was a general consensus that improvements were needed to the local bus service, including a more regular service along Coldhams Lane.

The council does not have any control over the privatised bus services, but we’re hoping to see some improvements in this area following from the City Deal. We will continue to lobby Stagecoach and Whippet to improve their services around north Romsey.

Does this reflect your priorities for Romsey? You can contact any member of your local team to add your voice!